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Data-driven housing stock modelling services

Housing stock modelling Page Description
Providing insights through data driven services to improve poor housing, tackle fuel poverty, target energy improvements and investment.
Housing stock modelling Details

Our housing stock models provide local authorities with the information they need to review the condition of housing in their areas. These reviews support an authority’s housing strategy and corporate plan and thereby contribute to the public good.

Our housing stock modelling services

We can provide local authorities with estimates for key housing and energy variables at a dwelling level. This can be aggregated to Census Output Area (COA), ward and authority level.

The estimates are calculated from statistical models. Inputs to the models include a national dwelling level database of dwelling descriptors, while data from the English Housing Survey (EHS) is used to inform the mathematical algorithms of the model.

The English House Condition Survey (EHCS) and the Survey of English Housing (SEH) have merged to become the English Housing Survey (EHS).

As well as the dwelling level data we can provide maps and summary tabulations, usually in the context of a report. We also make recommendations on how to use the information to develop a housing strategy.

Accurate picture of local conditions

Most authorities commissioning our services ask us to combine the models with locally gathered data, to develop more bespoke models that provide a local house condition and energy database.  Such databases can provide a still more accurate and updatable picture of local conditions and make it easier to develop improvement programs and monitor their impact.

Private sector housing data

While our data covers all tenures, most local authorities who commission our stock modelling services are seeking data on private sector stock for which information is much more difficult to gather. This is reflected in the key variables delivered, notably Housing Health and Rating Systems (HHSRS) Category 1 hazards, which are very much tailored to supporting an authority’s private sector housing function, fuel poverty and energy efficiency programs.