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BIM training courses

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Build your knowledge of Information Management using BIM with our range of training courses.
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Our heritage of scientific rigour and expertise in Building Information Modelling (BIM) means we can enable forward-thinking individuals and organisations to adopt ISO 19650 and address skill gaps across construction, infrastructure, real estate, manufacturing and real estate industries.

ISO 19650 is an international standard series outlining principles and requirements for Building Information Modelling (BIM) processes, focusing on the effective management and exchange of information throughout the life cycle of built assets. By adhering to ISO 19650, organisations can ensure timely access to accurate information, optimise efficiency and cost savings, reduce risk, and improve project oversight. 

Our training is designed to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively implement and manage the ISO 19650 series of standards, covering crucial aspects such as BIM terminology, principles, documentation and digital transformation.

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Have a look at the three goals we support: sustainability, information management and fire safety, or contact us for bespoke training.

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Step 1: ISO 19650 1&2 Project Delivery

Step 1: ISO 19650 1&2 Project Delivery

This comprehensive training course provides an overview of information management using BIM according to the latest set of international BIM standards, ISO 19650-1:2018 and ISO 19650-2:2018.

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Step 2: ISO 19650 Delivering Information Management in Practice

The second step towards certification, this course equips learners to realise the benefits of information management using BIM, further expanding their knowledge of ISO 19650.

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Delivering Information Management in Practice

Information Management using BIM - Training Bundle

Our training bundle is the best and quickest route towards certification, covering both the ISO 19650 1&2 Project Delivery and ISO 19650 Delivering Information Management in Practice courses.

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BIM Certification for Individuals

Achieving certification not only demonstrates your expertise, but also instils confidence among employers and customers, ultimately opening doors to expanded career opportunities.

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BIM Certification for Individuals
BIM Certification for Businesses

BIM Certification for Businesses

Internationally recognised, BRE's UKAS accredited scheme enables businesses to demonstrate their capability to deliver information management services using BIM, aligning with ISO 19650-2:2018 and regional annexes.

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