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Approved Certifiers of Design Scotland

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The Approved Certifiers of Design (ACD) schemes cover energy for housing and commercial buildings in Scotland.
About the Approved Certifiers of Design schemes

BRE is a scheme provider for the Approved Certifiers of Design (ACD) schemes in Scotland. Approved Certifiers provide quality and high standards in building design and construction and by using an Approved Certifier building owners can be assured that they will meet their legal requirements of ensuring work done complies with the building regulations.

About the Approved Certifiers of Design schemes

Approved Certifiers of Design are qualified individuals allowed to certify the energy design of buildings in Scotland, and to issue certificates in support of applications to local authorities for building warrants and amendments to warrants.

There are two ACD schemes: one for domestic buildings (homes) and one for non-domestic (commercial) buildings. Both schemes are fully approved by the Building Standards Division of the Scottish Government. The BRE schemes allow members to determine compliance to the Mandatory Functional Standards of the Building (Scotland) Regulations, Section 6 Energy.

Benefits of the ACD schemes

Benefits to the industry and building owner of using an Approved Certifier include:

  • Demonstrating and developing respect and trust between clients and building professionals.

  • Greater flexibility and more efficient design or installation, thanks to their expert knowledge of new technology.

  • Knowledge and application of new regulations such as Eurocodes, micro-renewables and energy standards.

  • Higher standard of work helps to reduce the volume and cost of defective or incomplete work issues associated with warrantable work.

  • Reduced risk of errors or omissions happening in the design or construction.

  • Differentiation from competitors and commercial advantage over other firms.

  • A higher level of protection to customers through the indemnity insurance cover held by Approved Bodies.

Discover the full benefits of ACD

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Joining the ACD scheme

Contact the ACD Scheme for guidance on how to join the appropriate scheme. You may also need to complete training as a pre-requisite for joining the scheme.

Full joining instructions

Get a quote for ACD services

If you would like a quotation for Approved Certification of Design Services, please email with your details. You’ll be give the contact details of the certifier who manages your area, who can provide further details and give you a quote.

Get a quote
Potential funding

Potential funding

Skills Development Scotland offer funding for eligible candidates to train in Low Carbon skills. This funding can be used towards training with BRE.

Find out more about SDS funding