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Create pre-demolition audits with SmartWaste

New construction or refurbishment projects can use SmartWaste to demonstrate how they will prioritise waste reuse and reduction.

The construction industry’s focus on sustainable and efficient building practices has encouraged the application of circular economy thinking. Projects need to demonstrate, at design and planning stages, how they will prioritise waste reuse and reduction.

A pre-demolition and pre-refurbishment audit provides clients with independent advice about the products and materials that can be reused or recycled prior to demolition or major refurbishment.

This is also a requirement in BREEAM, the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for buildings and infrastructure: demolition waste management is included in the assessment process.

SmartWaste pre-demolition and pre-refurbishment audits

SmartWaste audits include:

  • Insight on resource efficiency, best practice guidance and informs future LCAs.

  • Independent, science-based audit advice on material reuse and recycling.

  • Capturing actual waste and recycling data and measure performance against targets.

  • Setting targets and objectives for the project.

How does SmartWaste Support pre-demolition audits?

SmartWaste is BRE’s environmental and sustainability monitoring and management solution. It provides centralised data collection and validation capabilities that help construction, refurbishment and demolition companies deliver on their ESG reporting needs. Our solution delivers the following pre-demolition audit capabilities:

Experienced auditors

Using BRE science and expertise to deliver pre-demolition and pre-refurbishment audits that provide clients with independent advice about product and material reuse and recycling.

Accurate reporting

Supporting planning life cycle assessment, circular economy statements and BREEAM assessment and certification.

Set and manage targets

Establish your material reuse and recycling ambitions for the project and set applicable targets.

Record performance

Using SmartWaste’s data capture tools, e.g. direct input, application programming interface (API) or bulk upload functionality capture and collate waste performance and material data accurately and reliably.

Performance measurement and insight

SmartWaste provides extensive reporting capabilities, performance indicators and benchmarks to help your organisation manage its circular economy commitments and ESG reporting needs.

Benefits of using SmartWaste to support BREEAM new construction 

Using SmartWaste to support BREEAM new construction offers many significant benefits.

Enhanced reputation, brand and stakeholder relationships

  • Demonstrate resource conservation, increased efficiency, and responsible and sustainable sourcing. 

  • Inform decisions to design out construction, demolition and excavation waste.   

Increased project value

Support achievement of BREEAM certification and the corresponding increase in asset value.  

Lower costs

  • Identify materials that can be reused and recycled. 

  • Manage waste sustainably and at the highest value. 

  • Outcome forecast based upon more detailed and more accurate data. 

  • Evidence BREEAM New Construction as a result of your day-to-day environmental and sustainability management activities  

Time savings

Independent BRE science and expertise delivers better quality outcomes, saving time in the longer term.

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