Strategic Advisory Sustainability Blackbrook Capital

Strategic advisory equips Blackbrook Capital with BREEAM action plan

Blackbrook Capital strengthened its commitment to a 100% ESG-optimised portfolio by pursuing BREEAM In-Use pre-assessments for its new assets.


Blackbrook Capital (‘Blackbrook’) wished to understand how three of its new European assets could improve their ESG credentials whilst delivering better outcomes for the business, tenants and the environment. BRE provided a strategic advisory service to improve the ESG credentials for Blackbrook’s assets. This included three different scenarios for three newly acquired sites, one in the UK and two in Denmark.


Blackbrook is a real estate investor that specialises in future-proof supply chain assets.


As part of its in-depth analysis, Blackbrook commissioned BRE to undertake a systematic review of three of its newly acquired assets. BRE reviewed these sites against the BREEAM In-Use framework and make recommendations for improvement.

BRE undertook a series of site visits, along with desk-based evidence collection, to gather the required documentation for the BREEAM In-Use pre-assessment process at each site.The consultant produced a report for each site, presenting key recommendations for interventions to improve sustainability and/or reduce operational expenditure.

Scenario A
This scenario looked at which credits in the BREEAM In-Use framework were achievable with little to no action.

Example actions included:

  • Installation of submeters for the majority of energy use, allowing Blackbrook to track energy use and pinpoint areas of success or that need improvement.
  • Additional accessibility features to maximise inclusivity for all potential building users.

Scenario B
This scenario looked at which credits in the BREEAM In-Use framework were achievable with minimal time, cost and impact on tenants and operations.

Example actions included:

  • Conducting a flood risk assessment to confirm the long-term viability of assets for flood mitigation and protection.
  • Provide an outdoor space for building occupants to use during rest breaks.

Scenario C
This scenario looked at which credits in the BREEAM In-Use framework were achievable only with potential material time, cost and impact on tenants and operations.

Example actions included:

  • Install a solar PV system on the usable roof space
  • Conduct a natural hazard risk assessment for the site and verify that there are no risks present.



This pre-assessment allowed Blackbrook to focus on opportunities for improving sustainability whilst also reducing operational expenditure incurred associated with the ownership of the asset (maintenance, energy, water etc.)

It was also an opportunity to inspect the asset facilities to understand where extra maintenance and/or improvement activities could be undertaken.

The pre-assessment helped Blackbrook to prepare for a smoother future assessment process when the assets are officially certified under BIU. Blackbrook will know which credits and associated improvements and changes are required to reach a specific BREAAM certification rating at each asset.

Summary for Case Studies


Tom Jennings
Asset Publisher
Asset Publisher