Acre Works Sdn Bhd gets European Technical Assessment certification

Acre Works Sdn Bhd gets European Technical Assessment certification

A leader of infrastructure and commercial projects in Malaysia for over 16 years, Acre Works Sdn Bhd got ETA certified for its post-tensioned bridge systems.


Since obtaining the European Technical AssessmentEuropean Technical Assessment (ETA) certification of their post-tensioned bridge construction system Acre Works have secured over £100 million additional infrastructure sales within Malaysia.  The certification has also enabled Acre Works to trade more widely outside their home markets, namely within EU and elsewhere where ETA certification is recognised.


Acre Works Sdn Bhd is a major infrastructure contractor operating within Malaysia, with headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.  Acre Works undertake complex large-scale civil infrastructure projects including airports, roads, railways and bridges.  They specialise in providing complete casting, launching and pre-stressing solution for Segmental Box Girder based structures.


Acre Works strive for excellence, one of their four core values. Their aim was to underpin the technical claims for their advanced infrastructure elements through an ETA programme.


This was Acre Works first European certification project and BRE activity included the translation and adaptation of their existing technical assessment procedures into a form suiting the stringent requirements of an ETA.

The work had to be completed and processed through mandated steps in a tight timeline as Acre Works had secured the use of their products for the extension of Kuala Lumpur’s infrastructure, specifically the metro and elevated road sections.


The work involved a complex suite of laboratory-based tests on major post-tensioned infrastructure elements in the UK and two other European Member States. This also included additional witnessed testing in the UK and at Acre Works’ sites in Malaysia. Factory-quality audits in Acre Works’ Kuala Lumpur facilities were conducted and resulted in timely processing of ETA certification application through the European Organisation for Technical Assessment (EOTA).


Acre Works have confirmed to have secured significant market advantage through the enhanced confidence that Acre Works clients have in the quality and technical excellence of Acre Works infrastructure products as evidenced through the assurance of ETA certification. The continued surveillance provided by BRE in support of their certification will help Acre Works to tangibly show their commitment to continued improvement and quality assurance.

Acre Works have commented that the successful conclusion of the work raises the bar for assured quality performance validation in the key developing economies of SE Asia.

The attainment of this certification, the first of its kind in SE Asia, was only possible through the diligent contribution of our dedicated business associates.
– Dato’ Idrose Mohamed, Executive Chairman, Acre Works


Acre Works Sdn Bhd
European Technical Assessment (ETA) certification
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Asset Publisher