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APRES – Case Study

APRES is a network of industrial and academic partners that is developing an action programme for delivering responsible sourcing in the UK construction industry. The network will be a knowledge-sharing and dissemination focus of responsible sourcing practices. It will help to forge new research ideas and relationships, and provide guidance directly to the industry.

BRE Global is a core partner in the network, which is managed by Loughborough University and funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Other core partners include Bovis Lend Lease, URS Scott Wilson, the University of Nottingham, Warwick Business School, Responsible Solutions and the University of Bath.

This multi-disciplinary group of academics and industrialists is needed to tackle the complex challenges associated with responsible sourcing. It will analyse the problems, develop an action programme, disseminate the outcomes, and influence others to sustain a healthy community of practice on responsible sourcing into the future.

APRES started work in October 2010 with the specific objectives of:

  •  exploring the challenges involved in delivering responsible sourcing to help develop a coordinated action programme
  •  establishing and sustaining an enthusiastic membership base that will become a well established and reliable community of practice
  •  mapping the industry’s skills and knowledge needs through dialogue with network members in workshops, on context, market and technology challenges
  •  defining academic R&D directions, and improving the quality of research interactions between academics and industry
  •  identifying and disseminating outcomes and best practice to the industry and others, via a dedicated website, email and themed events – acting as an independent, central point of information
  •  providing an open and impartial discussion forum for the construction industry and its customers, academics, government and standard-setting bodies.

For more information on the APRES Network go to

Feature Card Small List

Feature Stack Small headline with no character limit which may look like this.

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Feature Stack Small headline with no character limit which may look like this.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sit amet sapien fringilla, mattis ligula consectetur, ultrices mauris. Maecenas vitae mattis tellus. Nullam quis imperdiet augue. Vestibulum auctor ornare leo, non suscipit magna interdum eu. Curabitur pellentesque nibh nibh, at maximus ante.

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Feature Card Large List

Private rented sector identification

Understanding the private rented stock in your area can be instrumental to informing strategies to improve these dwellings and tackle issues, yet there

What do we provide our clients?
  • Whole-ward level analysis for wards with known high levels of private rented stock
  • Improved accuracy in identifying private rented sector dwellings across the area
  • Improved intelligence across the private rented sector
Text Link

Private rented sector identification

Understanding the private rented stock in your area can be instrumental to informing strategies to improve these dwellings and tackle issues, yet there

What do we provide our clients?
  • Whole-ward level analysis for wards with known high levels of private rented stock
  • Improved accuracy in identifying private rented sector dwellings across the area
  • Improved intelligence across the private rented sector
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Please email the BREEAM team at BRE, We'd be happy to help you

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A complete range of services covering all aspects of the built environment lifecycle.

Housing Health Cost Calculator (HHCC)

HHCC calculates the health costs of hazards in homes, and the savings made where these have been addressed. It details the cost savings to the NHS and wider society gained by both enforcement and improvement strategies – and allows these to be authoritatively demonstrated. HHCC requests information from you to produce a health and safety rating score which is used to enforce minimum housing standards under Housing Act 2004. Your data is stored and can be retrieved at any time free of charge. For subscribers, health cost data is provided for any or all hazards mitigated for a 12 month period. A number of authorities have used this methodology to carry out retrospective health-cost benefit analyses of hazards mitigated by their intervention, including Bristol, Plymouth, Great Yarmouth, Liverpool and Derby (see case study here).

View housing health costs

IMPACT® Methodology and Database


Housing Health Cost Calculator (HHCC)

HHCC calculates the health costs of hazards in homes, and the savings made where these have been addressed. It details the cost savings to the NHS and wider society gained by both enforcement and improvement strategies – and allows these to be authoritatively demonstrated. HHCC requests information from you to produce a health and safety rating score which is used to enforce minimum housing standards under Housing Act 2004. Your data is stored and can be retrieved at any time free of charge. For subscribers, health cost data is provided for any or all hazards mitigated for a 12 month period. A number of authorities have used this methodology to carry out retrospective health-cost benefit analyses of hazards mitigated by their intervention, including Bristol, Plymouth, Great Yarmouth, Liverpool and Derby (see case study here).

View housing health costs

Housing Health Cost Calculator (HHCC)

HHCC calculates the health costs of hazards in homes, and the savings made where these have been addressed. It details the cost savings to the NHS and wider society gained by both enforcement and improvement strategies – and allows these to be authoritatively demonstrated. HHCC requests information from you to produce a health and safety rating score which is used to enforce minimum housing standards under Housing Act 2004. Your data is stored and can be retrieved at any time free of charge. For subscribers, health cost data is provided for any or all hazards mitigated for a 12 month period. A number of authorities have used this methodology to carry out retrospective health-cost benefit analyses of hazards mitigated by their intervention, including Bristol, Plymouth, Great Yarmouth, Liverpool and Derby (see case study here).

View housing health costs

Please email the BREEAM team at BRE, We'd be happy to help you

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua

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